07/03/2018 Battle of the Bullring 6 Results


Bob Hilbert Sportswear Short Track Super Series Fueled by Sunoco Halmar International North Region Race Number 3 Feature Finish (50 Laps):

  1. Jerry Higbie
  2. Anthony Perrego
  3. Jeremy SMith
  4. Danny Creeden
  5. Jimmy Wells



LVS 9/24 Finish

Small Block Start P9, Finish 1st 🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁🏁 Modified Start P13, Finish 4th

5/28/2017 Third Place Finish at Thunder Mountain

[caption id="attachment_828" align="aligncenter" width="300"] 5/28/17 The Crew at Thunder Mountain[/caption] Top Five Finishers at Thunder Mountain Speedway: Anthony Perrego Stewart Friesen ANDY BACHETTI Jeremy Smith Ryan Jordan

Lebanon Valley Speedway (8/22/15)

Lebanon Valley Speedway - 8/22/15 Starting Position - 23rd Finishing Position - 7th Summary: After having mechanical issues halfway through the night with the primary car, Andy and crew went to a back up car…

Battle of the Bullring (7/5/16)

Accord Speedway - Battle of the Bullring - 7/5/16 Starting Position - 19th Finishing Position - 7th Summary - Andy started deep in the field after having troubles in the heat race, and still made…

Rolling Wheels Raceway (7/1/15)

Rolling Wheels Raceway - 7/1/15 Starting Position - 8th Finishing Position - 16th Summary: Andy made his way to 2nd position in the main event fighting with Tim McCreadie for the lead when a piece…