23 April, 2021
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06/03/2018 Afton Rained Out Friday Night
Heavy Thunderstorm puts an end to Afton Motorsports Park Racing Program By JR Kennerup Friday, June 1, 2018 Racing ~ Rained Out Afton, NY — The racing program on Friday night at the Afton Motorsports Park…
Point Standings through 7/31/2019
LVS Mod 2nd LVS SB 1st Accord 2nd STSS North 3rd STSS South 10th
4/28/17 Torrid Start as Bachetti Wins Season Opener at Afton
05/19/2018 Friday Night Results from Afton Motorsports Park
Tonkin's Misfortune Gives Afton Modified Win to Smith...Clark and Mady Cop Sportsman Mains while Cuozzo, Green, and Cornell all win again By JR Kennerup Friday, May 18, 2018 Racing ~ Results Afton, NY — The…
Wild Child to Attend Finale at The Fairgrounds
Andy and team WILL be attending Super Dirt Week this year at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse. The team will be fielding a big block car only for Syracuse, and racing the Short…