24 October, 2020
2 categories
03/24/2019 Port Royal Race Results
Results from the Port Royal STSS-South Speed Showcase are as follows: 1. Anthony Perrego 2. Matt Sheppard 3. Mat Williamson 4. Danny Bouc 5. Brett Hearn21.ANDY BACHETTI NEXT RACE APRIL 7TH AT ORANGE COUNTY FAIR…
Thank You To Our New Sponsers
We want to welcome new sponsors to the Bachetti Motorsports Team. Thank you Mike of Sheldon Glass Service, located in Hillsdale , NY Also new this year is Upstate Auto located in Germantown, NY. Thank…
LV Updated Official Results 6/8/19 Regular Feature
Small Block Guy SheldonTimothy DavisANDY BACHETTIBrandon PitcherJR Heffner Modified Steve HoughBrett HearnJR HeffnerANDY BACHETTIKeith Flach
Accord 8/2/19 Top 5(Revised)
Jimmy Wells Mike Ricci ANDY BACHETTI Jesse Marks Danny Creeden