Top Five Finishers for the Afton Modified Feature:
- Alan Barker
- Mitch Gibbs
- Nick Nye
- Brett Tonkin
- Ken Titus
7/1/2017 Another Rainout at Lebanon Valley
No race at Lebanon Valley Speedway tonight due to weather. 🌧 Let's hope for better weather on Monday for the Battle of the Bullring at the Accord Speedway. ☀
LV Hold Over Feature Results
Small Block ANDY BACHETTIGuy SheldonJR HeffnerFrank HarperBrett Haas MODIFIED ANDY BACHETTIKeith FlachOlden DwyerKyle ArmstrongRonnie Johnson
10/20/2017 Hard Clay and North Region Final Results
Stewart Friesen Wins Wild Behrent’s Performance Warehouse ‘Hard Clay Finale’ At Orange County Fair Speedway; Andy Bachetti $12,500 Halmar North Region Champion By Brett Deyo  October 20, 2017 MIDDLETOWN, NY – In a wild, unpredictable main event, Stewart…
9/9/2017 Modified Feature Results from Accord’s Friday Night Race
Accord Motor Speedway Modified Feature Race Results for 9/8/2017 are: 1.Danny Creedan 2. ANDY BACHETTI 3. Jimmy Wells 4. Danny Tyler 5. Richie Eurich Congratulations to Danny Tyler who was awarded the…
06/09/2018 Lebanon Valley Saturday Night Results
Big Block Modified Feature: Brett Hearn Keith Flach Ronnie Johnson Elmo Reckner Kenny Tremont 9. ANDY BACHETTI Small Block Modified Feature: JR Heffner Kenny Tremont Jason Herrington Brett Haas ANDY BACHETTI
07/16/2018 Big Diamond Cancelled due to Rain🌧
The STSS race scheduled for tonight at Big Diamond is cancelled due to predicted afternoon and evening rain. See you all Thursday at Orange County Fair Speedway
7/16/2017 Busy Weekend with a 4th Place Finish
Busy weekend for Andy and the team. After a Rain Out at Afton Friday night and a quick trip to Albany-Saratoga for a great race marred by an unfortunate flat tire resulting in a 16th…