Top Five Finishers in the Afton Modified:
Alan Barker
Kurt Decker
Steve Babicek
Brett Tonkin
Lebanon Valley Speedway (4/23/16)
Lebanon Valley Speedway Opening Night Starting Position - 12th Finishing Position - DNF Summary: After trying to endure brutally rough track conditions, Andy's 34 machine broke a rear end component that ended his night early. …
6/23/2017 Afton Racing Cancelled due to Predicted Rain
AFTON MOTORSPORTS PARK: Track Status and news! June 23 racing has been canceled due to predicted rainfall this afternoon!
9/2/2017 Join Us at Lebanon Valley Tonight for the Final Points Races of the Season
Join Us Tonight for Racing at Lebanon Valley Speedway Gates open at 5pm The Kathy Plotz Modified Memorial Event FINAL NIGHT OF POINTS FOR MODIFIEDS AND PROSTOCKS Snap-on-Tool Presents OUR AMAZING FIREWORKS DISPLAY!!! The…
11/10/2017 Have a Filling Thanksgiving then JOIN US Sat Nov 25th at Accord for THE GOBBLER
The Gobbler 5’ Event Information Accord Speedway/Accord, NY Saturday, November 25 (Rain Date: Dec. 2) A BD Motorsports Media LLC & Gary and Donna Palmer Co-Promotion Speedway Address: 299 Whitfield Road Accord, NY 12404 Speedway…

7/11/2017 Headed to the Summer Broiler at Rolling Wheels Raceway this Thursday night
Join Andy and the team this Thursday at Rolling Wheels Raceway for the July 13, 2017 Summer Broiler. Racing starts at 7pm. This race is unique in that there are two 30 lap modified features.…