To whet your whistle here is a photo from the end of the 2016 season of Andy and Mike Garrity. More to come…..

Andy and Sponsor Mike Garrity


8/15/2017 Albany-Saratoga Results

The results of the STSS Series Modified Race at Albany-Saratoga Raceway tonight are: 1. Matt Sheppard 2. Billy Decker 3. Matt Delorenzo 4. Brett Hearn 5. Ryan Godown   9. ANDY BACHETTI

LVS 7/27/19 Finish

Small Block Start P18, Finish P3 Modified Start P 11, Finish P6 (7/20/19 Holdover) Start P11, Finish P1🏁🏁🏁

I-88 Speedway (5/15/15)

I-88 Speedway - 5/15/15 Summary: After winning the qualifying heat race from the 5th starting spot, the rain came and ended the night early.  The feature will be made up this Friday.

5/12/2018 Afton Opening Night Results

Mahaney Sneaks past Bachetti for Afton Motorsports Park Opening Night Modified win – Cormier, Hutchings, Cuozzo, Green, and Cornell also win on Wagner Nineveh Night By JR Kennerup Friday, May 11, 2018 Racing ~ Opening…